use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::iter::Iterator; static INPUT: &str = include_str!("input.txt"); fn gcd(mut a: u128, mut b: u128) -> u128 { while b > 0 { (a, b) = (b, a % b) } a } fn lcm(a: u128, b: u128) -> u128 { a * b / gcd(a, b) } fn steps<'a, I: Iterator + Clone>(mut last: &'a str, instructions: &I, triples: &BTreeMap<&'a str, (&'a str, &'a str)>, goal: &str) -> u128 { for (n, instr) in instructions.clone().cycle().enumerate() { if last.ends_with(goal) { return n as u128; } let pair = triples[last]; last = if instr { pair.1 } else { pair.0 }; } unreachable!() } fn main() { let (valueified_instr, valueified_triples) = { let mut iter = INPUT.lines(); let instr =|c| c == b'R');; let triples =|s| (&s[0..3], (&s[7..10], &s[12..15]))).collect::>(); (instr, triples) }; let part1 = steps("AAA", &valueified_instr, &valueified_triples, "ZZZ"); println!("Steps to reach `ZZZ`: {part1}"); let mut part2 = valueified_triples .keys() .filter(|s| s.as_bytes()[2] == b'A') .cloned() .map(|k| steps(k, &valueified_instr, &valueified_triples, "Z")) .fold(1, lcm); println!("Steps to reach unanimous 'Z': {part2}"); // dude what the fuck was this. // i genuinely don't get why this was right. // i also don't get why my earlier, near-identical impl, was wrong. // i've seen other solutions that use the phase of the actual loop through the map and i feel like that should come in here // this shouldn't be right, and if it is, i don't know why my earlier, logically identical, implementation was broken. // ... // fucking hell }