.. bbss.py documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Dec 5 20:26:05 2023. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. role:: python(code) :language: python ======= bbss.py ======= For more information on BBSS itself, look `here `_. This is a simple python module to allow for quickly scraping or exploring BBSS directories on sites. bbss.site ========= .. py:module:: bbss.site .. py:class:: Site(domain: str[, path: str[, *, scheme: str = 'https']]) `domain` The domain to check for BBSS files `path` An optional subdirectory to treat as the root of the BBSS directory `scheme` What protocol to download over; can be either :python:`'http'` or :python:`'https'` A representation of some BBSS directory. On construction, all information about an individual site is downloaded. .. py:attribute:: default_path :type: bool Whether the site was generated from a default directory, or a user-supplied one .. py:attribute:: has_sizes_txt :type: bool Whether the BBSS directory contains a :code:`sizes.txt` file .. py:attribute:: sizes :type: bbss.sizes.SizeListFile A list of the sizes found at the site .. py:attribute:: friends :type: Optional[bbss.friends.FriendListFile] A list of friend sites found at the site ================== Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`