/// for documentation. $config["date_fmt"] = "l, M jS, Y, H:i T"; /// Timezone /// /// A value of type DateTimeZone, see /// /// for documentation. $config["timezone"] = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); /// /// /// What to set for the target= attribute on generated links. /// _top will redirect the main tab, _blank wil make a nwe tab $config["link_target"] = "_top"; /* --- CODE - DO NOT TOUCH --- */ function load_rss(string $uri, string $linkrel = "alternate", ?bool $allow_html = NULL): array { global $config; $xml = file_get_contents($uri); // if the file doesn't contain an encoding, attempt to read it from http headers and re-encode if (!preg_match("/^[^>]+encoding/", $xml) && str_starts_with($uri, "http")) { foreach ($http_response_header as $header) { if (!str_starts_with(strtolower($header), "content-type")) continue; if (preg_match("/(?<=charset=)[a-z0-9_-]+/i", $header, $matches)) { $xml = iconv($matches[0], "UTF-8", $xml); $doc = new DOMDocument(encoding: "UTF-8"); } break; } } $doc ??= new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($xml); if ($doc->documentElement->nodeName == "rss") { // TODO: better rss / atom sniffing foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("item") as $node) { $data["title"] = $node->getElementsByTagName("title") ?->item(0)?->textContent; $data["title"] ??= "[[[No Title]]]"; $data["title"] = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($data["title"])); $data["link"] ??= $node->getElementsByTagName("link") ?->item(0)?->textContent; $data["link"] ??= htmlentities($data["link"]); // assume rss is html by default $data["content"] = $node->getElementsByTagName("description") ?->item(0)?->textContent??""; if ($allow_html === TRUE || $allow_html === NULL) { $data["content"] = strip_html($data["content"]); } else { $data["content"] = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($data["content"])); } foreach($node->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/", "content") ->getIterator() as $media) { $type = $media->getAttribute("type"); if (str_starts_with($type, "image/")) { $data["images"][] = htmlentities($media->getAttribute("url")); } elseif (str_starts_with($type, "video/")) { $data["videos"][] = htmlentities($media->getAttribute("url")); } } $data["date"] = new DateTime($node->getElementsByTagName("pubDate") ?->item(0)?->textContent ?? '@0'); $data["date"]->setTimezone($config["timezone"]); $parsed[] = $data; } } else { // assume atom foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName("entry") as $node) { $data["title"] = $node->getElementsByTagName("title") ?->item(0)?->textContent; $data["title"] ??= "[[[No Title]]]"; $data["title"] = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($data["title"])); $data["content"] = $node->getElementsByTagName("content") ?->item(0)?->textContent??""; if ($node->getElementsByTagName("content") ?->item(0) ?->getAttribute("type") === "html" && $allow_html !== FALSE) { $data["content"] = strip_html($data["content"]); } else { $data["content"] = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($data["content"])); } $data["links"] = []; foreach ($node->getElementsByTagName("link")->getIterator() as $link) { $date["links"][] = ["rel" => htmlentities($link->getAttribute("rel")), "href" => htmlentities($link->getAttribute("href"))]; if ($link->getAttribute("rel") === $linkrel) { $data["link"] ??= htmlentities($link->getAttribute("href")); } } $data["link"] ??= @$data["links"][0]; $data["date"] = $node->getElementsByTagName("published") ?->item(0)?->textContent; $data["date"] ??= $node->getElementsByTagName("updated") ?->item(0)?->textContent; $data["date"] = new DateTime($data["date"] ?? '@0'); $data["date"]->setTimezone($config["timezone"]); $parsed[] = $data; } } return $parsed??[]; } function load_cached(int $ttl, string $uri, string $linkrel = "alternate", ?bool $allow_html = NULL): array { global $config; $path = $config["cache_dir"]."/".md5($uri); // echo $path."\n"; if ((@filemtime($path) ?? 0) + $ttl < time()) { // echo "cache miss, loading over network\n"; $data = load_rss($uri, $linkrel, $allow_html); file_put_contents($path, serialize($data)); return $data; } else { // echo "cache hit, loading from file\n"; return unserialize(file_get_contents($path)); } } // potentially unsafe, shouldn't matter cause source is always trusted // TODO: sniff for 8.4 Dom\HTMLDocument when 8.4 releases // function strip_html(string $html): string { if ($html === "") return $html; $doc = new DomDocument(); // this is a really ugly hack but libxml has left me no choice :( @$doc->loadHTML("".$html); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("style")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("script")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("link")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("meta")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("base")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("title")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("template")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("slot")->getIterator() as $el) $el->remove(); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("img")->getIterator() as $el) $el->setAttribute("loading", "lazy"); foreach($doc->getElementsByTagName("*")->getIterator() as $el) { if (str_starts_with($el->getAttribute("href"), "javascript:")) $el->setAttribute("javascript:alert('Link stripped for security.')"); if (str_starts_with($el->getAttribute("src"), "javascript:")) $el->setAttribute("javascript:alert('Link stripped for security.')"); @$el->removeAttribute("autoplay"); } return implode( array_map( fn($x) => $doc->saveHTML($x), iterator_to_array( $doc->getElementsByTagName("body") ->item(0) ->childNodes ->getiterator()))); } // code begins here $config["link_target"] = htmlentities($config["link_target"]); @mkdir($config["cache_dir"], recursive: true); foreach ($_GET["disabled"]??[] as $idx => $feed) { if (!array_key_exists($feed, $feeds)) { unset($_GET["disabled"][$idx]); continue; } $off_feeds[$feed] = @$feeds[$feed]; unset($feeds[$feed]); } $combined = []; // Real Feed Processing Happens Here foreach ($feeds as $name => $data) { if (!isset($data["url"])) { error_log("Feed \"$name\" missing url. Ignoring."); continue; } if (!isset($data["ttl"])) $data["ttl"] = 3600; if (!isset($data["linkrel"])) $data["linkrel"] = "alternate"; $data["mode"] ??= "title"; foreach(load_cached($data["ttl"], $data["url"], $data["linkrel"], @$data["allow_html"]) as $entry) { $entry["source"] = htmlentities($name); $entry["home"] = htmlentities(@$data["home"]); if ($data["mode"] == "title") { unset($entry["content"]); } if ($data["mode"] == "no_title") { unset($entry["title"]); } if (@$data["media"]) { unset($entry["media"]); } $combined[] = $entry; } } // reverse-chronological by default usort($combined, fn($a, $b) => $b["date"]->getTimestamp() <=> $a["date"]->getTimestamp()); if (isset($_GET["reverse"])) $combined = array_reverse($combined); $base = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH); ?>

Looks like you filtered out everything...

Try unfiltering some feeds!
