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		<meta name="description" content="A simple utility to help you work out what chips do.">
		<meta name="author" content="recnet/winrg">
    <title>R2C Chip Searcher</title>
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    <noscript><style> #form, hr, #listcontrols, #helpbox, #resultslist { display: none } </style></noscript>
		<datalist id="paletteSearch">
			The chip searcher requires JavaScript to function.
			If you cannot enable it, you can try
			<kbd>Crtl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>ing your way through
			<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tyleo-rec/CircuitsV2Resources/master/misc/circuitsv2.json">
				the actual chip JSON file
		<div id="imgbox" style="display:none;"></div>
	  <form id="form" autocomplete="off">
	  	<input type="text" id="search" placeholder="Search for a chip." list="paletteSearch"/>
					<input type="checkbox" name="refresh" id="autorefresh" checked/>
					<label for="autorefresh">Auto Refresh</label>
					<input type="checkbox" name="beta" id="beta" checked/>
					<label for="beta">Show Beta Chips</label>
					<input type="checkbox" name="depr" id="deprecated"/>
					<label for="deprecated">Show Deprecated Chips</label>
					<input type="checkbox" name="filterSug" id="fsug" checked>
					<label for="fsug">Enable Filter Suggestions</label>
					<p>Fuzzy Finder:</p>
					<input type="radio" name="fuzziness" value='{"thresh":0,"nummod":1}' id="fuzzy0"/>
				 	<label for="fuzzy0">Exact Match</label>
			 		<input type="radio" name="fuzziness" value='{"thresh":0.3,"nummod":0.95}' id="fuzzy1" checked/>
				 	<label for="fuzzy1">Small Typos</label>
				 	<input type="radio" name="fuzziness" value='{"thresh":0.6,"nummod":0.9}' id="fuzzy2"/>
				 	<label for="fuzzy2">Loose Match</label>
					<p>Search By:</p>
					<input type="checkbox" name="ReadonlyPaletteName" id="key0" checked/>
			 		<label for="key0">Chip Name</label>
				 	<input type="checkbox" name="Description" id="key1"/>
				 	<label for="key1">Chip Description</label>
					<label for="cfgitems">Items Per Page: </label>
					<input type="number" name="items" id="cfgitems" value="12" step="1">
		<div id="listcontrols">
			<button id="first" onclick="first()">&lt;&lt;</button>
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			<span>Showing page <span id="pagen">0</span>/<span id="of">0</span>.</span>
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		<div id="resultslist"></div>
		<!--<p id="grapherlink">Also check out <a href="/grapher">The graphing tool</a>!</p>-->
		<p>Maintained by <a href="https://rec.net/user/winrg" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">@winrg</a>/<code>@✨Aleteoryx, Keeper of Names✨#1027</code></p>
		<details id="helpbox">
				<!-- Unused tabbing system. Ignore.
				<input type="radio" name="test" class="selecttab" checked/>
				<p class="tab">text for button 1</p>
				<input type="radio" name="test" class="selecttab"/>
				<p class="tab">text for button 2</p>
				<input type="radio" name="test" class="selecttab"/>
				<p class="tab">text for button 3</p>
				<input type="radio" name="test" class="selecttab"/>
				<p class="tab">text for button 4</p>-->
				<h2>The Basics</h2>
				<p>The chip searcher is a simple program.
					To get started, simply type the name of the chip you'd like to know about into the top box.
					By default, the searcher will automatically refresh the results as you type.</p>
				<h4>Different types of chips</h4>
					<li><b>Beta Chips</b> are indicated by a β symbol.</li>
					<li><b>Soon-to-be deprecated Chips</b> are indicated by yellow text, as well as a warning.</li>
					<li><b>Deprecated Chips</b> are indicated by red text, as well as a warning.</li>
				<p>Neither form of deprecated chip will display by default.</p>
				<p>The chip searcher supports the following configuration
					options, contained in the fold-out menu below the search bar.</p>
					<li><b>Auto Refresh</b>: Automatically update search results as you type.
					When disabled, hit <kbd>Enter</kbd> to refresh.</li>
					<li><b>Show Beta Chips</b>: When enabled, beta chips will be included in the search.</li>
					<li><b>Show Deprecated Chips</b>: When enabled, deprecated chips will be included in the search.</li>
					<li><b>Enable Filter Suggestions</b>: When enabled, filters will be displayed as autocomplete options.</li>
				<h4>Fuzzy Finder</h4>
					<li><b>Exact Match</b>: What is typed must appear identically in the results.</li>
					<li><b>Small Typos</b>: Small errors are ignored, though larger ones will still affect the results.</li>
					<li><b>Loose Match</b>: Really only useful if you can't spell.</li>
				<h4>Search By</h4>
					<li><b>Name</b>: Search for what is typed in the chip name.</li>
					<li><b>Description</b>: Search for what is typed in the chip description</li>
				<h4>Items Per Page</h4>
				<p>Configures the number of items that will appear in each page. Defaults to 12.</p>